History in Past:
Two year ago mi wife and I went to Uruguay, It was a nice experience but always with our hollidays we get more tired becouse we prioritise to know other country and the culture, no rest!
We arrived in Montevideo Airport and stayed there three days, then we went to border with Brasil making stops in some beaches as LA PALOMA, PIRIAPOLIS, PUNTA DEL DIABLO... that was great! but when we finish to know near Brasil, we needed to take out money of some ATM and they didnt have in that town, so it was difficult to find one, we had to go back near to LA PALOMA (maybe we went back an a half of the URUGAY coast).
Alvaro's typical day:
I wake up at 6:00 am, I eat some fruit or yougut while I go to the GYM. I arrive at the office at 8:30 am and drink some coffe with milk then check the emails and start to work, now Im working in a proyect so, that means I have a lot of meeatings with diferent areas. A leave the office 20 minutes before to arrive on time to the English course, then I get home at 22:15, try to eat something and sleep at leat 7 hours... is dificult don't turn your life in a rutin working and studing but after 19th November I'll recover my non rutinary day again and I will have more energy to go to the movie, pub, gather with some friend etc..
mchacon Dear Alvaro, here are my corrections:
Two years (plural) ago...my wife not mi,....because!....not to rest!...to the border with Brazil...but when we finished (a finished event)...a half not an a!
Typical day,...I leave the office 20 minutes before my English class starts or begins... it is difficult not to turn your life into a rutine from work to studies, but after...go to the movies, pubs.
This are not very important mistakes, but you have to realise why you make them. You have improved your writing from the last one! Congrats! Keep your spirit up!