I live in flat, a very luminous place in a 4th floor.With three rooms, each one with a balcony. The living room has abalcony too, and I have a barbecue in it.
Two bedrooms and the living room share a great view to San Cristobal hill and to Manuel Montt avenue too.
The neighbourhood it's very nice with a lot of bars and restaurants you can go just on foot, and if you move to other place you can take easyly the metro, bus or a taxi.
Really there is no any kind of restriction in the building. You can listen loud music and you can make a party with your friends without problems.
I love my flat, one of these days I will invite you to know it.
mchacon Dear Cristián, here are my corrections: live in a flat, which is a very....has a balcony too....share a great veiw of... and of Manuel Montt Av. too.....the neighborhood is very nice not it is...restaurants where you can....you can easily take (remember that adverbs are in between verbs, very few exceptions!)....There aren't really any kind of restrictions....listen to loud music. Good job! You are improving your writing!! Keep trying and improving! Check your mistakes and see if you can make out why you made them!