"The architect hidden behind the name of Neruda"

Posted by Juan Pablo On Thursday, November 18, 2010 0 comentarios

"My real profession is being a builder. There is nothing more beautiful than something born go before us. The rigor of the material prevents excessive fad, we must fight with them to give mankind. " (Pablo Neruda, 1965)

Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes Basoalto, a young provincial who came to the capital city in early 1921, to enroll in Architecture at the University of Chile. It’s said that was not enough to meet four months when he decided to leave the race to devote himself to poetry that was the official birth of the poet “Pablo Neruda”, a pseudonym he used officially for the first time in October 1920.

Few months passed between the adoption of his pseudonym, and entering a career in architecture. Clearly, Neftali Reyes wasn’t done to decide which of his two vocations devote his life.

Previously he had experienced a taste for poetry. Some poems published in magazines and newspapers, but needed to know from within the world of architects to dispel myths and to take a momentous decision.

Neruda probably felt some disappointment at discovering how structured, how rough taught architecture at the time, then discovered that, despite the attraction to the subject, seeking creative freedom not find it there, but definitely in literature. Probably he was right, considering the immense contribution to the literature deliver achieved in Chile and the world.

In reviewing the history of life, observe their work and go home, we realize that despite leaving the race early, always maintained an intimate relationship of love with the area and an obvious fascination with the "live with respect". Clearly, Neftali Reyes never abandoned this vocation youth hid behind the character he created: "Pablo Neruda" his poetic alter-ego.

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